Monday, August 4, 2008

Thank You! One More Blog Award!

This Blogging Friends Forever Gold Card was sent to me from my WONDERFUL blogging friend Sankari! Thank you so much! I just cant believe that you like my little blog that much!
The rules with this award are:
1. Only 5 people allowed.
2. 4 have to be dedicated followers of your blog
3. one has to be someone new or recently new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. you must link back to whoever gave you the award.

Okay, so here's my 5 favorites:
1) Silke Ledlow - My Life
This was one of the first blogs I read regularly, and I got sooo much inspiration from Silke's clean and bright card designs. Sparkle Girl, I don't comment much on your blog, but I love it!
2) Tosh, Cindy, Cindy, Frances, Charlene, Carolyn, Dawn and Deb - the CCEE Stampers
Okay, maybe I'm cheating, only five persons allowed, BUT: what these ladies create is really worth ANY blog award available, and they all are so charming and kind in their comments, so I have to send this award to them! And it's only eight - that's not much more than five, isn't it?!?
3) see 2)
4) see 2)
5) goes to all you others with those wonderful, inspiring blogs out there - it's always a little bit unfair that I can't pass on those blog awards to all of you! YOU - yes, I mean especially and just YOU - would sooo much deserve it, too!

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